Thursday, March 13, 2014

Budgeting my Paycheck

Hey guys, so I told you in my last post that I would be talking about budgeting, well here it is. So recently I have decided to budget my money, because I have noticed I am a spend till the last drop type of girl, and I no longer want to do that. Plus I always end up spending my money on stupid stuff, instead of  paying my bills! So here is my plan to budget my money!

** with every check I will set aside my tithing and save $50
**depending on how much my check is, I will put 50-100$ on my bills
** I will also set aside $30 for gas and $30 for groceries
    Whatever is left I will spend wisely, but I won't bring it with me to campus because I always ending up buying useless stuff

With each check I get I write down how it will be spent, for example if my check was $300 (this is just an example) I will write down 300, then immediately take $30 out for tithing and $50 out for savings, then $60 for groceries and gas. That should leave me with $160. Next I will put $100 towards any bill I need to pay (rent, school, car) and keep the rest in my pocket. Whatever I don't spend will be added to the $50 I saved and I will start this process over for my next check!

~I really recommend writing it down on a piece of paper, so you can physically see it.
~Another tip is once you receive your check do what you Need to do with the money ASAP, if find myself spending on wants first and then realizing I have little or no money for the things I actually need

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