Saturday, December 19, 2015

Update Fall 2015

Hello pretties!

     I am officially finished with this semester of college! I passed all of my classes and I am ready for my last and final semester. Fall 2015 was the hardest and most stressful semester I've ever been through however I got through it.

If you would like to keep up with me, follow me on social media :)

Twitter: @thommaaasss
SC: thommmaaasss

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Beat Face #Rih

Hello pretties,

I would like to say that whoever is Rihanna's makeup artist is ridiculously talented and if I had the money to hire whoever he or she is, I would. AND they would beat my face everyyyydayyyyyy. This will just be a Rih appreciation post. (ill go back into hiding now :)

Follow me on social media
Snapchat: thommmaaasss
Ig: Jessica.Venay
Twitter: thommaaasss