Tuesday, March 8, 2016

How To Clean Your Room + Keep it Clean + 30 day challenge

Hello Beauties,

Todays post will be dedicated to cleaning your room, and maintaining it! If I said my room is always clean I would be the biggest hypocrite in this universe. I am actually one of the messiest people you will ever meet. However I do know how to clean, I just don't do it. So take a challenge with me to keep your room clean for 30 days, and I'm hoping that after 30 days it will become a habit to keep our room clean. Below is my cleaning regimen + some tips and tricks!

Jessica's Cleaning Regimen

Music: The very first thing that I do is put on Pandora/YouTube/ a Movie, anything that will give me something to listen to while I clean. This is an essential step for me , because when I get tired of cleaning and want to give up, I stop and have a dance session or take a break and sit down and watch my movie. My theory if I go nonstop without a break, I move faster!

Multitasking: After having a background noise , I start the process with sorting my dirty clothes, and beginning the washing process. I call this step multitasking, because while I'm cleaning I wash and put away my clothes simultaneously! Sidenote: For my clean clothes I pile them on my bed and once I am done sorting, I fold/hang them.

Trash: This step is simple, just simply get a trash bag and throw your trash away. I do not however take out the trash, just in case I missed something later on.

Wipe/Organize: After containing all of the trash, I tackle my countertops, desk, top of my dressers, and all the rest of my furniture. I take a rag with cleaning solution, remove all of the stuff on top of my furniture, and then wipe down/dust eveeryyyything. (very important step) Then I organize and replace all of the items that belong and put away items that don't. At this time if my drawers need organizing I do that too.

Vacuum: The last step for me is to vacuum my room and take out my trash!

Estimated Time: About 1/1.5 hours

Deep Clean (Fridays)
  1. Laundry
  2. Wipe/Dust
  3. Vacuum/Take out trash
Estimated Time: About 30 minutes

Keep it Clean Tips:
  • Clean a little every day
  • When you come home from school/work put your items away, don't just drop them on the floor
  • Have a set day when you do a deep cleaning each week. Mine is Friday!
  • Set a Goal to keep your room clean for x days and continue to surpass it!!!

30 day challenge: I Challenge you all to keep your rooms clean for 30 days!!! Feel free to post pics of your clean rooms :)


My Social Media:
Instagram: Jessica.venay
Snapchat: @thommmaaasss
Twitter: @thommaaasss


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